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Failure is NOT an OPTION!!!

May 1st, 2016 at 07:08 pm

Update for May:

Year-To-Date, our retirement balances are still down 1.62%, although our Net Worth is way UP compared to last year this time, mainly our debt obligation went down to “zero” with the exceptions of our existing mortgage. I will say, the market has gained momentum that help recover losses from Jan & Feb.

This month we are paying off our daughter’s private tuition for next year, due including registration $5K. Wrote a check for the entire year yesterday.

We had multiple goals in the beginning of the year & completed goals
1) Prepay San Diego trip and Lake Tahoe vacation. DONE.
2) ROTH 2016 Fully Funded by April. DONE
3) Christmas Fund $2500. DONE

4) Car Fund
5) Home renovation

For the rest of this year, we can now focus on goal 4 & 5. We’re pretty excited to get this started.

Overall, our Expenses including savings + car fund minus tuition going estimated $13,600 for May. June is our breathing room. But we can still manage if we stick to our budget which we are. Failure is not an OPTION!!!

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