House repair/remodeling
June 29th, 2011 at 07:12 pmIt's been a while since I post a blog. Things have been really hectic lately. I won't get into that now.
In the last few years, we have been talking about remodeling our kids room; new furnishing, paints, drawer, etc. (We did the painting ourselves) Now that they are bit older 5 & 7 yeah i know we needed to going with the remodeling, at least, before x-mas comes around which we also needed to prefund also. So we had two dilemma, 1) whether to use part of our EF (24K) to pay the cost - $3K credit balance, or 2) deferred savings for several months to pay off the balance. I was pushing for the latter, so that we don't touch EF and helps build our points up to.
I'll make the first payment this week $1500 and second payment on Aug 1st. I just hope we don't add any more balance to it.