Home > 420 - MILESTONE!!!

420 - MILESTONE!!!

April 21st, 2016 at 05:47 am

Yup...pretty exciting happened today. (Normally don't celebrate much) BUT

After updating all our accounts [total asset - liabilities]....we reached [$504,927.79 in Net Worth]. Its also the first time, our investment/retirements is more than our home value.

Its like being HIGH in the SKY TODAY! Woohoo!!

5 Responses to “420 - MILESTONE!!!”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    That is fantastic! I love reaching financial milestones. Reminds us that our hard work is paying off!!

  2. househopeful Says:

    Congrats! That is wonderful!

  3. Jenn Says:

    Congratulations! I like milestones too. Even if it's not in your plan, it's nice to know that you could sell everything, pay your debts, and hold $xx in your hand.

  4. Ima saver Says:

    Good job!

  5. tripods68 Says:

    I appreciate the comments. I told my wife last night and she was pretty excited....Smile I have not counted Employer matching/share contributions over the years. I just never bother with it. Going forward I will be adding it all including my wife's employer matching. I have at least 85K in my account, her about $11K.

    Next milestone is a million...pretty excited to know how fast (3,4,or 5 years) will grow to that level. One thing we've learn is continue contributing no matter how the economy/market turns out to be and be focus, 'eye on the prize'.

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