Home > $30.00 spend for the past 9 days

$30.00 spend for the past 9 days

May 23rd, 2008 at 07:46 pm

Wow! I couldn't believe it. Well partly, I'd been on this diet for past 8 days and has saved tons of money between DW and I. But I also been bringing in my lunch to work. I still have $160 remaining budget invelope and the month is almost overSmile

7 Responses to “$30.00 spend for the past 9 days”

  1. koppur Says:

    very nice!

  2. Apprentice Fun-Frugalist Says:

    Good going !! Well done !!

  3. managinglife Says:

    Great job! Love the envelope system!!!!

  4. Amber Says:

    Good for you, I love it when funds are left over Smile

  5. scfr Says:

    High five! Way to go!

  6. Carolina Bound Says:

    That's great!!

  7. Aleta Says:

    Wow! That is really great. Losing weight and adding more weight in money to your purse. Now that's a good problem to have.

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